Our commitments
At Arendals Fossekompani we value our employees, and we strongly believe that diversity makes us better. Our goal is to be a preferred employer with a motivated workforce. We believe that being part of a bigger purpose, working for a more sustainable world, brings more value and motivation to our employees.
Material Topic: Diversity and equality
In Arendals Fossekompani, we believe that a workforce with a wide array of skills and backgrounds drives productivity and performance. We are mindful that if not managed correctly, Arendals Fossekompani could have a potential negative impact on diversity and equality. That is why this is a strategic focus area not only for us, but also for each of the portfolio companies that Arendals Fossekompanis has invested in.
Gender equality is specifically measured at three corporate levels: Board of Directors, C-suite positions, and total work force. At year-end 2022, there were 28% women on our Boards, 14% women in C-suite positions and 20% in the total work force. Our target is to achieve a share of 50% women in all our boards and C-suite positions by 2027, and 30% female share of employees overall by 2027.
“At Arendals Fossekompani we value our employees, and we strongly believe that diversity makes us better. Our goal is to be a preferred employer with a motivated workforce”
Ingunn Ettestøl - Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO)

Material Topic: Employee satisfaction and talent attractiveness
Arendals Fossekompani aspires to be a preferred employer. It is important to retain knowledge and experience in the company, in addition to attracting new talents. We strive for employee satisfaction and the highest possible talent attractiveness across the portfolio.
Our goal for the Arendals Fossekompani Group in 2023 was to have less than 3% sick leave,
Material Topic: Health and safety
Arendals Fossekompani aims to have a positive impact on occupational health and safety, and this is a key priority and a strategic focus across our portfolio. We are committed to providing a healthy and safe working environment for all employees, and have conducted risk assessments, implemented guidelines, established management systems, and provided training to management and employees to prevent harm and promote health in the workplace. Our policies on health and safety are addressed in our Code of Conduct, which all our employees (100%) have signed, and which is also extended to our suppliers through our Business Partner Code of Conduct

The Equality and Anti-Discrimination Act
According to The Equality and Anti-Discrimination Act § 26, all Norwegian employers are obliged to work actively, targeted and systematically to promote equality and prevent discrimination in the workplace. In the Activity and Reporting Obligation Report you can find the results of equality and diversity in Arendals Fossekompani.
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Ambitions and goals
50% women on Board of Directors by 2027
50% women on Board of Directors by 2027
50% women in C-suite positions by 2027
50% women in C-suite positions by 2027
Less than 3% absentee rate in 2024
Less than 3% absentee rate in 2024