Investor relations
Creating shareholder value for more than 100 years
Arendals Fossekompani wants open and predictable communication with the financial markets. Here you will find financial reports, presentations, rating opinions and other key information.
Quarterly dividend
Arendals Fossekompani is committed to creating shareholder value in the form of dividends and increased in share price over time. We pay quarterly dividends that reflect the company’s long-term strategy, financial position and investment capacity. Our objective is to pay dividends that provide shareholders with a competitive return over time.
Share information
Arendals Fossekompani is an industrial investment company that combines industrial, technological, and capital markets expertise to identify and develop opportunities for sustainable value creation.
Stock exchange notices
Financial calendar
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Arendals Fossekompani Ex dividend NOK 1.00 today
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Key information in relation to cash dividend to be paid by Arendals Fossekompani ASA
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Arendals Fossekompani: Third quarter financial results
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Corporate governance
Arendals Fossekompani is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and is therefore subject to reporting requirements for corporate governance under the Accounting Act section 3-3b, as well as Norwegian securities trading legislation and Oslo Børs’ Continuing obligations of stock exchange listed companies.