Financial reports - Arendals Fossekompani

Annual Integrated Report for 2023

Today, Arendals Fossekompani published its Annual Integrated Report for 2023. “Overall, 2023 has been a year of improved operations and strong organic growth,” says Benjamin Golding, CEO of Arendals Fossekompani.

Est. reading time: 1 min

Photo of the Annual Integrated Report 2023

Total revenue for Arendals Fossekompani Group amounted to NOK 5,441 million in 2023, which is 19% higher than in 2022. The operating margin was 8%.

Portfolio companies Volue, ENRX and Tekna reported strong growth in revenues. NSSLGlobal reported steady revenues and an operating margin of 18%. Significantly lower electricity prices were somewhat offset by higher production, enabling AFK Vannkraft to contribute with substantial revenue and operating profit.

“We continued developing an advanced technology and industry portfolio that is well positioned in high-growth global megatrends and aligned with global sustainable development goals,” says Golding.

2023 marked the first year Arendals Fossekompani reported on EU Taxonomy alignment for all six environmental objectives. The portfolio of companies contributes to multiple environmental objectives.

Today, Arendals Fossekompani also published separate reports on the EU Taxonomy, Climate-Risk, Carbon Accounting, Human Rights, Activity & Reporting Obligations, Green Bond and Remuneration. All reports are published on the company’s website: