Newsroom - Arendals Fossekompani - Sustainability

Arendals Fossekompani Achieves B list rating for Climate from the CDP

Arendals Fossekompani is a long-term investment company that owns and operates companies enabling the energy transition and the development of next generation technologies. As an investor and active owner with a diverse and global portfolio, we are committed to drive sustainable change.

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CDP Disclosure

For 2024, we are pleased to share an achieved CDP thematic score, B, for Climate. 

CDP is a global non-profit that runs the world’s leading environmental disclosure platform. In 2024, the organization introduced an extra layer of essential criteria for Climate change across scoring levels, that must be met for organizations responding to the full corporate questionnaire for Climate change to progress their score to the next level.

“This score is a testament to our company’s successful integration of responsible practices and continued commitment to make decisions based on accelerating sustainable change,” says Ingunn Ettestøl, Chief Sustainability Officer at Arendals Fossekompani.

The value of data 
CDP scores play a critical role in moving companies from transparency to action.

“We must see corporate ambition ramp up on climate and nature-positive action. This has never been more crucial,” says Sherry Madera, CEO of CDP. 

The data we collect and submit to CDP’s disclosure platform is also a value tool to monitor our own portfolio, assess future investments, and comply with regulation and industry commitments.  

About CDP scores: 

The full methodology for the CDP scores can be found on CDP’s website, and here: 2024_Full_Corporate_Scoring_Methodology_-_Climate_Change.pdf