Newsroom - Arendals Fossekompani - Community Engagement

Imagine gaining international experience from beautiful Arendal

This summer, we have had the pleasure of welcoming six interns to our office in Arendal. These young professionals have worked hands-on with projects across the various fields of sustainability, risk analysis, competitor analysis, communication and power optimalization.

Est. reading time: 4 min

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Arendals Fossekompani 2024 Summer Interns: (from the left) Kristian Myhre, Jørgen Flemmen Holum, Ada Eker, Leonardo Peretti, Matilde Båsland Andersen og Kristian Eivindstad

From Torino to Arendal 

Among the group of interns is Leonardo Peretti from Torino, Italy, who chose to come to Arendal to gain experience and contribute to one of our summer projects. His knowledge of Arendals Fossekompani first started when he read about ENRX, a portfolio company of Arendals Fossekompani, and was intrigued by its innovative heating induction technology. 

“When I saw the opportunity for an internship here, I immediately applied! I am truly grateful to live in such a beautiful place as Arendal while acquiring international experience at a professional level. I have been genuinely impressed by the work and innovation at Arendals Fossekompani, which remains deeply rooted in its traditions.” 

Interns leonardo Ada Jørgen
Leonardo, Ada and Jørgen meet up to discuss the different projects they are working on

Steap learning curve and new friendships 
Working alongside Leonardo is Jørgen Flemmen Holum from Kristiansand, a student at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). Together, they are involved in a market analysis project for an international portfolio company.  

“As an intern, we get a unique chance to learn from experienced professionals and gain invaluable insights. It really is a journey with an incredibly steep learning curve. We have definitely met some challenges along the way, but our colleagues have always had an open door, and it is easy to ask for help. It has also been great to work alongside my new Italian friend, Leonardo,” says Jørgen. 

Interns 3 Christian and Jørgen turbines
Jørgen and Kristian take in the machinery and history while on a tour of Bøylefoss hydropower plant

Sustainable Solutions in hydropower and energy efficiency 
Two other interns working together on the same project are Kristian Eivindstad and Matilde Båsland Andersen. Kristian Eivindstad is working on a project to explore the potential of integrating batteries into the operation of hydropower plants to further enhance production flexibility.  

“I do research on the potential for adding batteries to hydro power production to increase the overall efficiency of the power plant and balancing the power grid. I find this really interesting and think this will be an increasing market in the future due to the volatile energy market from renewable energy sources,” says Kristian.

Meanwhile, Matilde Båsland Andersen is focused on energy efficiency improvements for the administrative building at Bøylefoss. She has several measures to suggest, particularly the use of solar panels and heat pumps.

“I find it motivating to work on a project that could result in a significant impact,” says Matilde. 

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Ada and Matilde are both locals from Arendal and thrilled to have found a summer internship that falls in line with their studies

A CEO’s perspective 
Benjamin Golding, CEO at Arendals Fossekompani emphasizes the value of their internship program and the unique perspectives the summer interns bring. 

“Our summer interns introduce new ideas and fresh perspectives across various topics.  They have asked the questions that allow us to take a step back and consider the current systems we have in place. Their feedback provides great value, and we are grateful that they have chosen to spend their summer here with us here at Arendals Fossekompani. I wish them the best of luck with their bright futures,” says Golding. 

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CEO of Arendals Fossekompani, Benjamin Golding, presents the company and portfolio to the curious students

Preparing for international ventures 

As the summer closes to an end, several of the interns are set to embark on international exchanges across the globe. Matilde will be heading to Australia, Ada to Portugal, Jørgen to Taiwan and Kristian M to India. 

"I am excited for my upcoming internship in India. Joining the sustainability department there will probably be a completely different business environment and a real cultural experience. I am curious to compare the Indian business approach to what I have become used to here at Arendals Fossekompani. It will by all means, be hard to beat.,” says Kristian M.  

Interns Kristian Use
Communications Intern and author of this article, Kristian M.